January 18, 2025
Where Can I Get Insurance for My Business in Singapore

Where Can I Get Insurance for My Business in Singapore

The best way to find the right insurance for your business is by comparing rates and coverage. This blog post will help you learn more about what questions to ask, who can help, and how much it costs.

Types of insurance cover for expatriates in Singapore

I was at dinner with friends when someone asked me this question. It surprised me because I had just told him that my firm offers free consultations.

“No one ever comes in for a consultation,” he said. “So if you’re not going to charge them anyway, why don’t you just offer a low-cost divorce option?”

I laughed and admitted that I had thought about it many times. “But I can’t even afford the time to market such an offering,” I told him. And it’s true: The economics of running a law firm just doesn’t add up if you want to give clients away for free.

But what if you could offer a low-cost divorce option without sacrificing revenue? What if you got them in the door by charging little to no money, and then upsold your way to better results?

That’s exactly how I advise my clients to market their practices.

Here are 6 steps you can take today

1. Focus on what you do

When I meet with new clients, they always want to know how much it costs to advertise. They feel like the only way to get clients is by spending money on marketing campaigns.

But that can be very time-consuming and expensive, especially if your ads aren’t converting well. That’s why I don’t bother with billboards or radio commercials. Instead, I focus on my services.

I tell new clients that they shouldn’t pay for advertising until they’ve successfully brought at least 100 new clients into their practice (and ideally more like 200). That way you know you’ll make the money back before spending an additional dollar.

2. Advertise a different service

Violent couples hire me all the time. They spend so much time being angry at each other that they can’t keep from hurting one another. I listen to their stories and immediately understand what the issue is: They feel powerless, so they lash out to feel powerful again.

These people aren’t getting divorced. They are getting abused, plain and simple. The only way they’re going to get better is if they focus on their self-esteem — not on winning or losing at all costs.

So that’s what I advertise instead of divorce services: empowerment coaching for individuals, couples and groups. Every client who has come to me has asked for divorce help, and every single one has left with a better understanding of how to build their self-esteem so they can lead happier lives.

3. Focus on those who come to you for advice

I often start my seminars by asking the audience: “Who brought an attorney with them?” Sometimes none of the hands go up; sometimes only a few hands go up.

That’s because lawyers don’t hire lawyers for divorce work, at least not initially. They go to their friends, family, or colleagues who have been through a divorce already and ask them what they should do.

In other words, lawyers need help from people like you and me before they realize they need help from us. That’s why it makes sense to advertise seminars, self-help materials, or coaching for those who are already considering divorce but don’t know how to get started.

4. Be direct, not shy

If you’re like me, you probably put off advertising your practice altogether because the idea seems so daunting at first. That’s a mistake.

In the previous example, when I met with new clients and asked them why they didn’t try empowerment coaching yet, most of them told me that they were too embarrassed to go for it. It made me realize that people needed a push in the right direction — one that would make them feel comfortable instead of ashamed.

That’s when I used a direct-mail campaign to advertise the benefits of empowerment coaching. It worked so well I started getting clients from all over the country who were willing to pay more than $100 per hour for my services.

5. Make a promise and keep it

The success of your practice hinges on whether you fulfill your promises. That may sound obvious, but it’s easy to break if you aren’t careful.

I charge a reasonable rate for empowerment coaching, so I have to work hard to keep my word. If I were charging $1,000 per hour and breaking my promises left and right, no one would believe me when I say that I have good ideas for keeping a marriage together.

People in violent relationships come to me all the time and tell me, “My ex-spouse said I should do this,” or “The mediator told me to try that.” When I check out their claims — often by calling their ex-spouses and mediators to get specifics — I find that the other person is making compromises to avoid doing what’s best: getting help and focusing on their self-esteem.

I tell these people that if they want to stay married, they need to start respecting themselves; then we can work together to restore the marriage, instead of wasting time trying to reason with someone who doesn’t respect them in the first place.

6. Remember: You’re not a divorce coach!

A common misconception is that professional coaches work exclusively with divorcing couples and help them navigate the legal system. That’s far from the truth, even though I know many excellent coaches who specialize in exactly that kind of work.

For example, my coaching philosophy is built on [builderall review], which helps people who are in unhappy relationships lead happier, more fulfilling lives. In other words, I help clients gain the confidence they need to leave a bad relationship and be happy in a good one.

I hope you find these tips helpful as you develop your business model. And remember, you are just as likely to be helping couples who never file for divorce, so do your best to maximize your potential.

Types of coverage available for your business

Debtors, Merchandise, and/or Freight are the most common coverages for small businesses. The coverage can be purchased separately or as a package.

The cost of replacing your vehicle will depend on its type, age, and current market value. Coverage is available for new or pre-owned cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles up to 3.5t, and a wide variety of trailers.

This is the most basic form of coverage for your vehicle, it’s compulsory in many states and will help pay for some covered damages to another party after an at-fault accident caused by you. In addition, if injuries or property damage costs are high, this type of policy may not be enough.

This additional coverage will help protect you from some, or all of the costs associated with injury and property damage to others resulting from an accident you caused (in addition to what’s covered by liability insurance). The higher your limits of liability for bodily injury and property damage, the more protection you have against lawsuits. This is a legal requirement in some states, but it’s a good idea in any case to have as much protection as possible.

Medical coverage can help pay for medical expenses and lost wages if you or your passengers are injured in an accident. Comprehensive medical payments will pay non-cosmetic-related damages such as deductibles, co-pays, and/or co-insurance.

This option will help pay for damages to your vehicle after an accident (in addition to what’s covered by Collision coverage), regardless of fault. For example, fire, theft, and vandalism are all included. Comprehensive insurance is usually offered as a separate policy from collision coverage since most states require you have both types of coverage.

Great for high-risk drivers, this type of policy will help pay medical or funeral costs (up to the amount that you declare) if you’re injured or killed in an accident involving a drunk driver. Second-party benefits can be purchased by themselves, but most people opt to purchase both first- and second-party coverage since it’s not that much more.


If you’re an ex-pat living in Singapore, it’s important to know the types of insurance coverage available for your business and personal needs. You might need different policies depending on whether or not you live here full-time. For example, if you’ve only been here a short time and will be leaving soon, getting medical coverage is likely unnecessary as long as there are no pre-existing conditions that require attention while abroad.

In this case, disability protection would be more appropriate since you won’t have access to public healthcare services during your stay in Singapore. However, if you move overseas with plans to settle down indefinitely then health care coverage should be a top priority – especially if any family members come along too! It’s also